National Patron
General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK, AC(Mil), CVO, MC (Retd)

Queensland & Brisbane Branch

Patron: Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Brian Avery

Meetings and Activities

The Queensland & Brisbane Branch meets on a monthly schedule, commencing on the 23rd. February, at theWynnum R.S.L. located in Tingal Road. Starting time 11am.

2021 to be confirmed

  • Tuesday, 23rd.February
  • Tuesday, 23rd. March
  • Wednesday, 25th. April - ANZAC Day Luncheon atNew Farm Bowls Club. (No meeting)
  • Tuesday, 25th. May
  • Tuesday, 22nd. June
  • Tuesday, 27th. July
  • Tuesday, 24th. August - Luncheon/meeting and A.G.M.
  • Tuesday, 31st. August - Malaya and Borneo Veterans’ Commemoration Day
  • Tuesday, 28th. September
  • Tuesday, 26th. October
  • Thursday 11th. November - Remembrance Day.
  • Tuesday, 23rd. November
  • Saturday 19th. December - Christmas Party.

Dates of bus trips to be advised. (Please give suggestions to David Brewer)

News & Information

  • Contact Newsletter Issue 36 - February 2018 NewsletterReadorDownload.
  • Notice of Kenneth John Wieland's PassingDownloada copy of the notice.
  • The Qld & Brisbane Branch Booklet 2017.Downloadyour copy.
  • The sad passing of Len Dixon on 15 October 2016.DownloadPres. Allen Edwards notice.
  • QLD member Mrs Marjory Hayes awarded OAM.ReadorDownload.
  • Remembering 'The Forgotten Wars' - Article by Dell ShearsReadorDownload



  • President: Allen Edwards Ph 07 3396 6705
  • Vice Pres: Paul Ninnes Ph: TBA Mob: TBA
  • Secretary / Treasurer: Allen Edwards Ph: 07 3396 6705
  • Assistant Secretary: B.McKaskill
  • Assistant Treasurer: B.McKaskill
  • Memorabilia: B.McKaskill
  • Membership: Allen Edwards
  • Communications Officer: Peter Anderson Ph: 0413 354 479
  • Pension & Welfare Officer: Ron Virgen O.A.M. Ph: 07 3267 0249
  • Merchandise: Moved to Victoria
  • Social Committee: (All Ladies)
  • Editor HUBUNGAN: Peter Anderson Ph: 0413 354 479

Written Correspondence: The Secretary, PO Box 86, Wynnum, QLD 4178


Membership Form.Download

Membership categories are:
ORDINARY (current or ex-Defence Force member)
ASSOCIATE (spouse, widow, family member)
SOCIAL (>18yo)
JUNIOR (<18yo)
CORRESPONDING (interstate or overseas: no fee)
ANNUAL Subscriptions are due on 1 January, or with new Membership Applications.

There are well established Branches, representing all States and Territories, who conduct regular meetings, social functions and services of commemoration.

Membership is open to all Australian and Allied ex-Armed Forces personnel (and widows, widowers, family and friends) who served in the prescribed areas of Malaya, Singapore and Borneo during WW2, during the Malayan Emergency (1948-60), the Brunei Revolt (1962) and the Indonesian Confrontation with Malaysia (1962-66), on the Thai-Malay Border, in Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak, Ubon and on the Malay Peninsula post-1966, with Rifle Company Butterworth, and in East Timor/Timor Leste.

In Adelaide each year in August, on the Friday or Saturday closest to 31 August (Malaya & Borneo Veterans Day), we host a service of commemoration in the West Torrens War Memorial Gardens to honour the fallen.

We conduct commemoration services in the Sarawak Heroes Memorial Park in Kuching, Sarawak to honour the Australian Service personnel who lost their lives during Confrontation. Our Branch also provides financial assistance to three schools in the Bau District of Sarawak, located in areas where Australian forces were deployed in 1965 and 1966 during Confrontation.

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